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Achromatic colors

Achromatic colors have the same psychological value as chromatic colors. Black and white represent the yin and yang poles of the color world, black means nothingness, like eternal silence, and white has endless possibilities.

1. Black: From a theoretical point of view, black means no light and is a colorless color. As long as the light is weak or the ability of the object to reflect light is weak, it will appear relatively black. Black is used in toning both for tinting and for adjusting the lightness (shading, shading) of a color. Every color is dark to the extreme.
2. White: White is the uniform mixture of all visible light, called full color light. Titanium dioxide is the most widely used in white. It is often used to adjust the transparency of plastics in color matching. Adding titanium dioxide can reduce the transparency of plastics, and at the same time make the hue of pigments lighter and lighter. fade. Each color is light to the extreme and also appears white.
3. Gray: between black and white, it belongs to medium brightness, is a color with no chroma and low chroma, and can give people a high and subtle feeling. Gray is the most passive color in the entire color system, and it relies on adjacent colors to gain life. No matter the mixing of black and white, the mixing of complementary colors, and the mixing of full colors, it will eventually become a neutral gray.
[1] Zhong Shuheng. Color Composition. Beijing: China Art Publishing House, 1994.
[2] Song Zhuoyi et al. Plastic raw materials and additives. Beijing: Science and Technology Literature Publishing House, 2006.
[3] Wu Lifeng et al. Masterbatch User Manual. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2011.
[4] Yu Wenjie et al. Plastic Additives and Formulation Design Technology. 3rd Edition. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2010.
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Post time: Jul-09-2022