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What is tempered plastic and is it plastic?

Tempered plastic is a kind of plastic alloy that starts from the design of polymer molecules and combines polymer blending modification technology to build a fine microscopic phase structure, so as to achieve a sudden change in macroscopic properties.
Tempered plastic is a kind of material that exhibits the strength and rigidity of plastic when subjected to static or low-speed impact force, and exhibits rubber-like ductility and energy-absorbing properties when subjected to high-speed impact force, and is not prone to brittle failure.
It has the strength and rigidity of ordinary engineering plastics when it is static or subjected to low-speed impact force, and has the characteristics of rubber-like ductility and toughness when subjected to high-speed impact force, so as to absorb energy and protect. effect.
Compared with ordinary toughened plastics, when ordinary toughened plastics are subjected to high-speed impact, a large number of crack initiation and expansion phenomena will occur, while toughened plastics will only show toughness even when the material is damaged by external force. Destruction without brittle failure such as sharp angles and splinters.
Tempered plastics are often used in automotive interior and exterior decoration, sports equipment, sports protective gear and other fields.

Post time: Mar-11-2022